Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainability Policy

This policy was approved by Telko's management team on May 29, 2023. The HSEQ Manager is responsible for the annual evaluation of this policy.


The objective of this document is to harmonise and clarify health, safety and environmental issues within the Telko Group and to ensure that we operate in a sustainable manner and without harming people or the environment throughout the business chain.


This policy applies to all Telko employees, encompassing all work-related tasks and operations. Although Telko has obtained ISO 14001 certification for certain sites only, we adhere to the same principles throughout the company.


Telko's mission is to bring customers and industrial principals together in a sustainable manner. Telko aims to be a forerunner in sustainability in its sector. The foundation of our operations is our values; we believe in people success, partnership, responsibility and continuous development. We apply our values both in our internal processes and in delivering value to our customers. This is done by using industry-leading expertise, strong partnerships and renowned service capabilities to improve production lead times, material efficiency and the financial and environmental performance of Telko's customers.


Sustainable development is one of Telko's strategic goals. Sustainability work, including environmental, social and governance aspects, is based on our sustainability objectives, which are defined by Telko's management team based on a materiality analysis and accepted by Telko's Board of Directors. The main objectives are implemented in our operations through sub-objectives, roadmaps and action plans, and by integrating sustainability KPIs into the personal objectives of all supervisors and more broadly of all employees. Development and results are regularly monitored by management, and objectives are reviewed annually.

At the Telko Group, we are committed to:

  • Taking into account sustainability, environmental, occupational health and safety aspects in all business activities, aligning ourselves with Aspo and other Telko policies.
  • Protect the environment by reducing waste and minimising the environmental impact of our activities, products and services
  • Identify hazards, assess risks and implement controls to mitigate or eliminate risks in our operations.
  • Offer and recommend the best products and solutions to our customers and partners, taking into account sustainability, environmental, health and safety perspectives.
  • Supply products to customers in a safe and responsible manner, providing the necessary documentation and training to ensure safe handling and use by our employees, subcontractors, customers and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Take care of emergency preparedness and response at all our sites, organising regular drills with owners and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Report and investigate HSE incidents, promoting shared learning to minimise risks to our employees, partners, customers and the environment.
  • Comply with relevant laws and regulations on health, safety, the environment and sustainable development, as well as with commitments made.
  • Develop supply chain management, including responsible sourcing, performance monitoring and supplier development.
  • Support and participate in activities that raise awareness and understanding of health, safety and the environment.
  • Actively participate in the Responsible Care program for chemical distributors
  • Respond to community concerns related to our activities
  • Continuously improve our sustainability performance.
  • This policy will be communicated on our intranet and external web pages, and will also be disseminated at relevant training sessions and meetings to all employees, customers, suppliers and the public.

All employees are expected to cooperate and contribute to the implementation of this policy while ensuring that their work is carried out without risk to themselves, others or the environment.